Family First Direct Primary Care with Kevin McGann MD:
Interested in Direct Primary Care? Why this Direct Primary Care?
It has Dr. McGann.
1. Dr. McGann is a Pure DPC. Family First Direct Primary Care is a "Pure DPC" medical practice. Unlike hybrid models we do not accept some insurance policies yet reject others. We practice DPC only. A Direct relationship between Doctor and patient only. Pure DPC practices are owned by the Physician, a key principle needed for Physician autonomy to best serve our patients.
2. Family Medicine Physician exclusively. Family Medicine Physicians are specially trained for Primary Care. They have the widest range of training and the largest scope of practice of any medical specialty. Throughout our life span about 80-85% of our health care needs can be considered Primary Care. A well trained Family Medicine Physician can meet those needs.
3. Dr. McGann is an experienced Academic, Researcher, and Clinician. Kevin McGann MD has over 20 years of experience as a Physician and 30 years in healthcare, all of it involving direct patient care. He has served as an Assistant Professor for 2 medical schools teaching both medical students, resident physicians, and allied health students. He has participated in medical research and contributed to publications in medical journals. He has been a private practice doctor for most of his career. He started DPC in 2018.
4. Quality Care. Dr. McGann has consistently had positive feedback from his patients over the years. He is especially known for his caring nature, genuinely listening to his patients, advocating for them, and commitment to serve.
5. Wisdom & Knowledge. Dr. McGann is a practicing Catholic and values his faith. He practices medicine by the guide of Catholic moral teaching and ethics in Healthcare for Catholic Physicians. He lives his life by Christian ethics, morals and values. The combination of Faith and Science makes for the best Physician.
6. No additional cost office visits: As many as you may need & it doesn't cost you more. Once per year or once per month, same price! No more fears about money when you need to see your Doctor.
7. Technology savvy. Have a question or a concern? Text message, Email, or maybe a phone call directly with Dr. McGann.
8. More Tech Savvy! - Telemedicine. Video visits are available with Dr. McGann. Again, no extra cost to you, it comes free with your membership. Very helpful during Covid-19 times!
9. Zero to low cost Office Procedures: Many office procedures are free with your membership. Some things have discounted fees. Need minor skin surgery (like removal of moles, skin tags, or cysts) or needing stitches, splints, joint injections, trigger point injections. Those are free with membership. (There would be a fee if a biopsy was sent to the pathologist for further study). Ekg, breathing treatments and a growing list of things are included with your membership. (you do have to pay for medications) . This is a unique and exceptional value to members of my DPC practice! I challenge you to do some research and see what costs you would face by having these procedures done using your health insurance!
10. Price transparency. Some things come with a fee. Like medications, biopsies, lab work (blood tests etc), or imaging. Prices will be made clear to you so there are no surprises in Direct Primary Care.
What this IS NOT:
This is important to understand: Direct Primary Care is not health insurance. It is strongly recommended that you have some type of coverage for catastrophic events like hospitalization or the need for surgery/operations. This can be done with Healthcare Sharing Ministries or health insurance. We encourage you to find a catastrophic plan which best complements your DPC membership. In DPC we do not accept insurance plans as payment, do not file claims, and do not do paperwork for insurance companies. It is the removal of insurance companies from Primary Care that makes Direct Primary Care affordable and accessible to so many.
Family First Direct Primary Care with Dr. McGann is for Primary Care purposes only. We are not a Louisiana Medicaid facility. We do not file claims or accept reimbursement from Medicare. Direct Primary Care does not contract with insurance companies.
Direct Primary Care is not Emergency Medicine. While Direct Primary Care does strive to give our patients rapid access and lower waiting time to see the Doctor we are not an Emergency Room. We do not have equipment or resources for genuine emergencies. We are also not an Urgent Care Center. We are a Primary Care Doctor's office only. Genuine Emergencies and Urgent Care issues need to be addressed in the appropriate facility.
Direct Primary Care is not Concierge Medicine. While it's common to confuse these 2 models of healthcare they are not the same. We do offer enhanced access to your Doctor. We also offer some after hours access to your Doctor. However, DPC is not 24/7/365 care. Dr. McGann sleeps at night, rests and spends time with family on the weekends, coaches youth sports with his free time and takes rests and vacations when needed. The Doctor does need to have some personal time where he is unavailable.
DPC with Dr. McGann does not offer In-hospital care, nursing home care, nor obstetrics (delivering babies). The doctor does not do pain management with controlled substances (which would be considered Specialist care). There should be no expectation of the prescribing of any controlled substances (habit forming medications) in the Primary Care setting. Dr. McGann does not routinely use any controlled substances for prolonged periods of time.
Still unsure about Direct Primary Care?
Do you have questions? Are you unsure about this? Great! Ask for a "meet and greet" discussion. Sit with the doctor and discuss Direct Primary Care and see if it's right for you and your family. Can it save you money on your healthcare? Do you value low or zero wait times to see your doctor? Would you like to have more time with the Doctor during a visit. Would you like to be able to text message or Video visit with your doctor? Come and visit and let us explain how it works! Make an informed decision about saving money on your healthcare needs.
Interested in Direct Primary Care? Why this Direct Primary Care?
It has Dr. McGann.
1. Dr. McGann is a Pure DPC. Family First Direct Primary Care is a "Pure DPC" medical practice. Unlike hybrid models we do not accept some insurance policies yet reject others. We practice DPC only. A Direct relationship between Doctor and patient only. Pure DPC practices are owned by the Physician, a key principle needed for Physician autonomy to best serve our patients.
2. Family Medicine Physician exclusively. Family Medicine Physicians are specially trained for Primary Care. They have the widest range of training and the largest scope of practice of any medical specialty. Throughout our life span about 80-85% of our health care needs can be considered Primary Care. A well trained Family Medicine Physician can meet those needs.
3. Dr. McGann is an experienced Academic, Researcher, and Clinician. Kevin McGann MD has over 20 years of experience as a Physician and 30 years in healthcare, all of it involving direct patient care. He has served as an Assistant Professor for 2 medical schools teaching both medical students, resident physicians, and allied health students. He has participated in medical research and contributed to publications in medical journals. He has been a private practice doctor for most of his career. He started DPC in 2018.
4. Quality Care. Dr. McGann has consistently had positive feedback from his patients over the years. He is especially known for his caring nature, genuinely listening to his patients, advocating for them, and commitment to serve.
5. Wisdom & Knowledge. Dr. McGann is a practicing Catholic and values his faith. He practices medicine by the guide of Catholic moral teaching and ethics in Healthcare for Catholic Physicians. He lives his life by Christian ethics, morals and values. The combination of Faith and Science makes for the best Physician.
6. No additional cost office visits: As many as you may need & it doesn't cost you more. Once per year or once per month, same price! No more fears about money when you need to see your Doctor.
7. Technology savvy. Have a question or a concern? Text message, Email, or maybe a phone call directly with Dr. McGann.
8. More Tech Savvy! - Telemedicine. Video visits are available with Dr. McGann. Again, no extra cost to you, it comes free with your membership. Very helpful during Covid-19 times!
9. Zero to low cost Office Procedures: Many office procedures are free with your membership. Some things have discounted fees. Need minor skin surgery (like removal of moles, skin tags, or cysts) or needing stitches, splints, joint injections, trigger point injections. Those are free with membership. (There would be a fee if a biopsy was sent to the pathologist for further study). Ekg, breathing treatments and a growing list of things are included with your membership. (you do have to pay for medications) . This is a unique and exceptional value to members of my DPC practice! I challenge you to do some research and see what costs you would face by having these procedures done using your health insurance!
10. Price transparency. Some things come with a fee. Like medications, biopsies, lab work (blood tests etc), or imaging. Prices will be made clear to you so there are no surprises in Direct Primary Care.
What this IS NOT:
This is important to understand: Direct Primary Care is not health insurance. It is strongly recommended that you have some type of coverage for catastrophic events like hospitalization or the need for surgery/operations. This can be done with Healthcare Sharing Ministries or health insurance. We encourage you to find a catastrophic plan which best complements your DPC membership. In DPC we do not accept insurance plans as payment, do not file claims, and do not do paperwork for insurance companies. It is the removal of insurance companies from Primary Care that makes Direct Primary Care affordable and accessible to so many.
Family First Direct Primary Care with Dr. McGann is for Primary Care purposes only. We are not a Louisiana Medicaid facility. We do not file claims or accept reimbursement from Medicare. Direct Primary Care does not contract with insurance companies.
Direct Primary Care is not Emergency Medicine. While Direct Primary Care does strive to give our patients rapid access and lower waiting time to see the Doctor we are not an Emergency Room. We do not have equipment or resources for genuine emergencies. We are also not an Urgent Care Center. We are a Primary Care Doctor's office only. Genuine Emergencies and Urgent Care issues need to be addressed in the appropriate facility.
Direct Primary Care is not Concierge Medicine. While it's common to confuse these 2 models of healthcare they are not the same. We do offer enhanced access to your Doctor. We also offer some after hours access to your Doctor. However, DPC is not 24/7/365 care. Dr. McGann sleeps at night, rests and spends time with family on the weekends, coaches youth sports with his free time and takes rests and vacations when needed. The Doctor does need to have some personal time where he is unavailable.
DPC with Dr. McGann does not offer In-hospital care, nursing home care, nor obstetrics (delivering babies). The doctor does not do pain management with controlled substances (which would be considered Specialist care). There should be no expectation of the prescribing of any controlled substances (habit forming medications) in the Primary Care setting. Dr. McGann does not routinely use any controlled substances for prolonged periods of time.
Still unsure about Direct Primary Care?
Do you have questions? Are you unsure about this? Great! Ask for a "meet and greet" discussion. Sit with the doctor and discuss Direct Primary Care and see if it's right for you and your family. Can it save you money on your healthcare? Do you value low or zero wait times to see your doctor? Would you like to have more time with the Doctor during a visit. Would you like to be able to text message or Video visit with your doctor? Come and visit and let us explain how it works! Make an informed decision about saving money on your healthcare needs.