Why you should consider Direct Primary Care:
1. Access to your Doctor will be better. In DPC you have direct access to your Doctor by phone, text, video, Email, and office visits. You often have after hours access as well! 2. Time to your Doctor will be better. In-office appointments are typically available within 1-3 days in DPC (vs the insurance based average of 28 days). There is typically no wait at appointment times. No more sitting in the waiting room for hours to see the Doctor! 3. Time with with Doctor will be better. Face to face time with your Doctor is longer in DPC to ensure your needs are met. No more feeling like an assembly line! 4. Cost saving opportunities. DPC you can save money on office visits, lab work, medications, imaging (like X-Rays etc), and in-office procedures. You also have price transparency. You know what things will cost up front. No surprise billing! 5. Privacy. There is no reporting in DPC. Not to your employer, or insurance, or government. You fully control your medical information. Be treated like a person not a number! 6. Win-win arrangements. People who choose DPC for their Primary Care needs report higher satisfaction with their health care. Physicians also report higher job satisfaction. Employers report higher satisfaction. Insurance agents who tie in with DPC also report higher satisfaction with their benefits packages. 7. Downstream cost savings. The enhanced access seen in DPC decreases ER and Urgent Care visits. It also decreases hospital admissions, Specialist visits and overall cost of care. |
Direct Primary Care message from Kevin McGann MD
Introduction to Direct Primary Care for Businesses.
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